Meet CHILLY WILLY! Everyone please meet Chilly Willy, a lovable and active 3-year-old Siberian Husky !!!!! He is about 50 pounds. CHILLY WILLY is eagerly awaiting his forever home! This handsome pup is a ball of energy who loves to run, play and explore. :) He’s very affectionate and is equally happy to cuddle up for belly rubs with his humans!
He gets along great with his foster brother dog (another husky) and enjoys playing tag in the yard. He’s got some trademark husky stubbornness, but is a quick learner and follows commands well when motivated. He would do well on his own, or with another dog!!!
We believe Chilly Willy would do well in a home where he can receive plenty of love, attention, and exercise. Ideally, his future owner would have some experience with a working dog. He's the perfect companion for anyone looking for an active and loving pup to join their pack. He is a zero aggression loving being who would be super loyal to his family.